How has it been that I have yet another week go by & not a post? BUSY!!!!!!!!!!!! Last week my sweet friend Cindy had her BIG FIVE ZERO birthday & we went to lunch. We met up with Jan & another friend of Cindy’s (from High School). We took her to Cheesecake Factory.
Cindy had Cheesecake but, Jan & I couldn’t pass up the strawberry shortcake! YUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cindy & Julie. Isn’t it wonderful that friendships from High School are still important on your 50th Birthday? I LOVE THAT!
Then on Tuesday hubby & I went with friends to the Texas State Fair. Above you can see the band called Killdare playing on the moving circular stage. We really liked their music…. Celtic ROCK(click the blue to go to their website & you can hear their music). What fun that was & WOW we were really BAD as we bought not one but, TWO expensive items. A massage chair & a hot tub. Hubby has a broken foot (old injury) & he has a lot of pain there & in his shoulders/neck. Both these things will help him (& me) alot. The chair gets delivered Sunday & the hot tub comes toward the end of the month. Also, remember the bathroom remodel I told you about? Well, other than the plantation shudder being ordered that is all complete & I wanted to show you a few photos…
I didn’t take a “BEFORE” photo of the wall paper or other tile on the floor. The shower was a simple fiberglass builder supplied shower. Anyone who knows me (& Hubby) knows we aren’t small people… so a bigger shower would be a plus. The shower tiles had small cracks so it was time to demo the whole shower.
EVERYTHING had to come out of the closet… Every piece of clothing, jewelry, shoes, purses… you get the picture. A LOT OF STUFF was all over the house. And then we had to empty everything out of the bathroom. Again, every bottle, jar, tube… A HUGE MESS! And a LOT of work.
This is the guest room bed. TRY to get dressed & find what you want to wear in this mess. FOR 3 WEEKS!!!
In our bedroom all the furniture was wrapped in plastic. And at night we had to uncover the bed as there wasn’t another bed to sleep in.
In the living room everything was under plastic too because they were chipping old tile off the fireplace & putting on new stone. In the bedroom too, as we have a fireplace in the master bedroom. I LOVE how both fireplaces turned out. Below is the one in the bedroom the day they finished (sorry I hadn’t cleaned the floor yet as the grout was still wet).
Well, after 3 LONG weeks of being torn up… Come on in let’s have a tour.
The wall paper WAS a faux white moiré fabric look with a floral border. NOW… a heavy textured “Tuscan” style look on the walls. The old tile was a blue/green mix & the old shower was small white tiles with small fiberglass base.
I love the new shower which is much larger & has a seat & fabulous shelves to hold all the “must haves” like different bath gels & shampoo’s.
We took the huge ugly builder mirror off this wall above the vanity. And we added the two separate mirrors & changed out the light fixture (with a shell/pearl type finish on the shades). The jetted jacuzi tub & the white cabinets are the only thing that is original to the room. I simply put on new knobs & we put a new granite top on it with under mount sinks. I LOVE IT!
Last spring at Round Top Antique Fair I bought those 3 beautiful bottles from my friend Agnes (Wild Weeds is the name of her space at Marburger Farms Show) of mine & knew I would find just the right place to display them. The other 2 blingy shells are from Vignettes, in San Diego CA (met her when we went to the shop during on of Kim’s Events).Everyone who knows me knows I am CRAZY for all things shells, beach, ocean, & mermaid.
Here’s a view of the little shelf above my tub. So many of my Sea Treasures are there. Do you LOVE the rock we put around the tub(& it goes down the front too) as much as I do? This is the same stones, only larger in size, we used for the fireplaces. Up on the shelf you see the vintage aquarium mermaid I bought in Round Top laying in her “Ocean Inspired” nest. And a beautiful vintage shell plate (again… Round Top). And the book was a creation my talented friend Sandy made for me last Christmas.
Some more treasures… The star fish again a present from Sandy. The tall candle holder I found while out “junking” with Joy & Natalie this summer in Lodi (see HERE for that post). I LOVE it too don’t you? Such a simple but, fun thing & I want to create some more.
As I said before, the lace curtains are simply until I can get the plantation shutter made for that window. Also, the little white shelf below the window (not the one the pretties are setting on as it’s the new travertine) will be the same black granite (with gold & bronze specks) like the counter top. I will order that & have it installed after the holidays.
There’s a tall shelf above the closet & I’ve added some more ocean goodies & a little light that has a vintage French Lampshade on it. With the help of a timer that comes on & becomes the night light about 7 PM every evening. And last but, not least, my bathing maiden… She’s framed & hangs over the tub. I have had this picture for at least 25 years & I love her today as much as I did when I first saw her.
I hope you enjoyed the little “Catch Up” of my life. And did you enjoyed the tour of the bathroom remodel? A lot of work & money but, we love it! Now, it’s getting ready for “the chair” to arrive which means moving a bunch of furniture, a doctor appointment with the cardiologist to check out hubby’s heart (2 years ago he had open heart surgery for valve replacement) & an anniversary trip (42 years…. WOW were did time go) to Chattanooga. TN to visit friends & do the fall foliage river boat ride on the Tennessee River. So it looks like my world will keep twirling at break neck speed but, hey… it keeps me busy & not bored. Stop back soon.
HUGS! Charlene