I bet that EYE CANDY caught your attention!!!! This is the studio of my friend
Andrea of Freckled Star Blog. Be sure to click on the blue links to go visit the girls & see their blogs as you will be hooked on all the goodies you find there. Andrea is an AMAZING, TALENTED, FUN friend that I have been blessed to know for years. We first met through
Kim Caldwell & her fun filled EVENTS but, through time we have been together in many classes, Antique Fairs & this June I was invited to a class by Robin Dudley Howes which was held in Andrea's AMAZING home. I didn't even take many photos of the project or any of our finished work because I was so OVERWHELMED at the beauty of Andrea's home/studio.
Maybe I have studio lust since I STILL don't have a studio. But, what beauty... Let's go peek.
Andrea LOVES Dollies & has MANY different one to look at. Here are just a few.
The ones below were made in a class by my talented friend
Diana Frey. Nice job Andrea!
And I think the bird necklace is a Sally Jean class. I need to try that one as it's really pretty!
She has such a knack of display. Don't you love the garland of gloves?
A Ruth Rae piece to show off... I think I was with her at a class in Kim's home when she bought this beauty. It was the first time Andrea had used a sewing machine & I will tell you that girl made that machine FLY!!!! Finished her piece in class! I was impressed.
How sweet is the window covering below... vintage baby slips?

More views of "STUFF" in her room. Like me, I think she has enough paper. My friend Jo Ann & I always end up buying paper but, do we use it? NO!
We live by the belief that the one with the most paper wins!
In her guest bathroom her displays of perfume bottles, soaps, goodies abound. And MOUSE TRAPS anyone? Have you ever seen cuter ones?
Let's move on to a few more rooms in the house. Each one cuter than the next. Now anyone who knows me knows I am a beach girl & so is Andrea. Her displays speak to my heart! LOVE the starfish tree.
The "P A R I S" bottles are 2 Die 4!
The mantle in the family room.
The jewlery nook in the corner of her bedroom... Oh she had some treasures there!!!!
This little beauty above was sitting on her dresser. A suitcase with the side cut out, a mermaid scene & fish inside. BE STILL MY HEART!!!! Angela I MUST have one! And last but, not least look at her little reading nook in her room. LOVE the saying... You have my whole heart for my whole life... SWEET!
I hope you enjoyed this little peek into Andrea's special world. I feel blessed to have been invited & thank her for her hospitality & sharing.
I have been away from Blogland for such a long while with the move/remodel & last week I posted for the first time in months. I hope that you will come back & make it a habit to visit as I want to visit many blogs each week because I have missed Blogging. Andrea did a post a few weeks back about blogging & Face Book. I think each have their own special place & I would hate to see Blogs disappear altogether because FB is eaiser! What do you think? IF you stop to visit please comment & let me know you were here. But, even if the comments are few I keep reminding myself that my blog is a place for ME! A place for me to share but, most of all it's my journal of my life & I will keep it up no matter what until I decide it's time to stop. If you're here... thank you for stopping & visiting. I hope you enjoy what I have to share. Have a beautiful week! HUGS!