Susan is having us all in to celebrate Outdoor Wednesday. Click on the button on the right sidebar to join Susan & the other girls when we are done here. I usually have a lot of pictures & lots of things to show but today my post is simple. This time I want to only share one picture because I think it says a thousand words. This struck me when I saw it! God managed to have this beautiful Viola bloom coming out of this piece of crystal that sits in my garden. I did not plant this. It was a miracle that enough soil filled this tiny crevasse & a seed from another plant blew in the wind & worked it's way into this small space. When I saw this I just had to share. I thought we all need to stop the rushing around. Stop & see this beautiful world we live in. Look for the beauty that is given to us. Before blogging I did not take the time to stop & look & appreciate the miracles we have all around us. Enjoy this Outdoor Wednesday & everyday.
Oh, by the way I have a beautiful group of photos on the last post I did. If you love Wisteria or the color purple go back & check those out. Since we are supposed to only post the link to Outdoor Wednesday & not our whole Blog I didn't want to cheat but... sneak a peek. Hugs
Wow -- what a miracle. But I do think the best flowers are the ones that God plants.
Oh I love it when God blesses us with His creation like this! Beautiful!! I love Wisteria so I need to go check your photos out...
Happy Outdoor Wednesday Charlene! What a beautiful photo and a nice reminder of the miracles around us...if we take the time to look!
Thanks for sharing your photos.~ Susan
Oh you are so right about taking time to appreciate the special things. That little plant was very determined. I have some little flowers growing in the spaces between the boards in my deck. Amazing!
Kathy b
A marvelous photo. Isn't God amazing? The colors of the little flower jump out. Thanks for sharing this.
Thank you for sharing , I love violas, and thank you for reminding us to take the time and enjoy the goodness of GOD.
God does create miracles large and small. Thanks for sharing.
What a sweet little viola, Charlene. It must have been so exciting to find it in your garden. God sends promise in beauty all around us!
That's so neat!
I know how you feel. God's miracles are all around us, but sometimes we miss the small ones!
Amazing photo!
We received 6 inches of snow last night but at this time of year, it *shouldn't* last long and I know that underneath it all are little beauties like the one you've shown, just waiting to pop up :o)
See now, I have a brother that calls things like that "weeds". His definition of "weed" is "anything growing where I didn't put it". I prefer to call things like this "volunteers"
w00t! It's WEDNESDAY!
Tink *~*~*
NOW PLAYING at My Mobile Adventures *~*~* :
Lighthouse at Disney’s Yacht Club Resort
That's pretty neat!...Christine
That is amazing! And good for you for noticing! :-) Thanks for sharing that little miracle with us! Susan
That is so sweet! That is something share! Thanks. ~ Robyn
Miracles happen all the time in the garden but this is one of the best ever!
I love violas... they are sooooo cute!
A miracle indeed! A beautiful miracle, that is. It's so pretty. Isn't it nice how he surprises us? I'm glad you didn't go through the normal rush the world drives us so you can discover this gift and be able to share this with us. :-)
Happy Outdoor Wednesday!
What a precious little Viola, Happy Outdoor Wednesday, Kathy.
I love purple! I'll definitely look it up! That is a great picture of the pansy in all that marble! Cool!
Thank you for reminding us of God's glorious miracles. Yes we do tend to overlook so much of his glory in our everyday lives. Thanks for sharing.
The sweet soft little Viola thriving against the hard glitter of the quartz. It reminds me of good soft hearted people thriving in a glitzy but hardened world. Quite the object lesson there. Beautiful.
Hi Charlene, your little flower is truly a wonder. You made me think of a little pansy growing in my stone driveway. All alone and surrounded by rocks. You were clever enough to enjoy the wonder of it all and take a photo. Love your sentiment and the beautiful miracle.
That's fantastic!
That is so beautiful. My ds4 loves to pick the little flowers like that he finds and give them to me...he even makes me name them lol. Happy OW.
Happy Outdoor Wednesday! Miracles are everywhere. We just need to look. It is wonderful how you grabbed your camera and shared this miracle with us.
what a lovely and beautiful surprise!
Just wonderful girl...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
How beautiful. What a miracle, and such a lovely reminder.
What a beautiful picture. Now I'm off to check your wisteria pictures, they are one of my favorites! Kathy
What a fantastic photo! That's what I call bloom where you are planted!!
A few of my iris bloomed last year but the are looking lovely already and am hoping for a nice display. I can't believe how they multiplied since last year. Several lost their tags that I had put on them as to what iris they were so it will be nice to see all the different colors though I may have to replant a few to keep colors for competing. It is still cold here (expecting snow tomorrow ) so will be a bit before the big show.
Simply Beautiful!
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