Oh what a motley crew we were but, we were having fun! Last week Lisa of
Tarnished & Tattered, Pat of
Tattered Elegance & I went to
Benbrook Mall in southwest Ft Worth. We shopped til we dropped (almost). Lisa had the sales lady snap a photo of us at the front counter. I forgot my camera but, Lisa had hers & said I could borrow this photo from her to share with you.

Here are a few of my goodies from "The Hunt". You can see the sweet card of the woman & child here (I loved both of their faces) & at the top right is a glimpse of one of the hats I bought but, not to worry I'll show you more later. And the pink & cream crochet pieces I LOVED! Especially the one with the rose on top. And that bit of crochet confection under those pieces are a pair of crocheted gloves.

Here is a close up of the gloves. What do I plan to do with them? Well, in April I am going to
Jennifer's Art Event called
Petticoats & Parasols (click the side bar button to see the wonder) & I thought these would be marvelous stitched on my parasol. What do you think?

Another angle of the goodies shows yet another hat (top left) that I don't know if I will have the NERVE to cut apart. You see I buy these with such good intentions & then the actual act of taking scissors to them makes me weak in the knees.
NOT LISA! Oh no, last year riding home from Round Top she had 3 of the
hacked apart in
NO TIME AT ALL! GASP!!!!!!!!!! And do you love the buttons? I do!!!!! They are the softest shade of
mint green & have perfect little stones in each one of them.

Now you can see that gorgeous
BLUE hat! Could you take scissors to that? Also, the beautiful picture of the dog was a gift from Lisa. Go
HERE to get the story on that.

And the last photo to share is a close up of the vintage
millinery on this hat. Be still my heart!!! I think a couple of these photos are pretty enough to go on my sidebar for the spring. What do you think? Now, I'm off to work on my swap items for Petticoats & Parasols. I only need
24 or is it
WHAT WAS I THINKING? I hope you have a beautiful week!

You scored some pretty things, Charlene. I love all the crochet pieces and the hats are great. Can't wait to see what you are going to do with them. And yes, these pictures are sidebar worthy!
Don't you love shopping with the girls. I need a trip out like this!
Such wonderful treasures and it looks like you all had a ball. Isn't it fun to get together and enjoy a day of shopping. So glad you had a great time. Hugs, Marty
I'm a ruthless hat murderer too. And that pile is very tempting!
Hi Charlene. Gorgeous finds! Looks like a lot of fun. And, like Lisa, I might just be tempted to use the millinery without the hat...I know...not always the best idea (maybe)! Have a great week. ~ Angela
Oh I do believe I will have to come visit you sometime so we can go shopping together. You must have a great selection where you live. I love those gloves!
Oooooohhhhhh! Those blue millinery flowers...!!!!!!! Just gorgeous!
Lovely goodies! I know you had a great time together!!
Happy Spring!
Hugs, Lisa
What fun! I love your hats! I'd have a hard time cutting them too! Everything is absolutely adorable! God Bless! Lauralu :)
What a fun time this looks like...you all look like your having fun...so nice to meet bloglnd friends uh...oh yeah and what lovely things you found on your hunt too....are you gonna be crafting with them...ummm...
hey have a happy easter I am off to see grandbabies....
This is just the best kind of day- thanks for sharing your lovely finds!
You sure did find some wonderful treasures. Lovely picture of the three of you. The pink and cream crochet pieces, the one with the rose on top, I have very similiar, Terry's grandmother made it long ago. I too love it. I actually have some crochet doll clothes she made for a tiny doll, don't have the doll but love the precious work that went into the little clothes. Have a beautiful week.
You love the things I love. Is that why I like you so much?!? : ) ~ such beautiful finds. Oh my, I have been so busy creating that I haven't blogged much. I can't imagine making 26 items for a swap!!! But wow, are they going to enjoy their gifts! And it will be exciting to see what comes your way. XO ~ Violet
I have a hard time bringing myself to cut the hats up too Charlene. Maybe we should bring some to the next group & cheer each other on. LOL
I'm still bummed that I missed out on y'alls shopping trip...let's plan another one soon, OK? Real soon?
Your cake looks great...love the way you lined the inside w/ paper. And Pat's top to the sewing machine drawer is INCREDIBLE! WOW!!!
I can not express hoe JEALOUS I am that you get to spend the day with good friends and such fabulous shopping!!! One of these days I am going to be in one of the pics with you!I'm sure you all had a wonderful time! I have to go outside for a walk now and take some pics for my next post! (A good friend told me to come up for air...)
LOVE the buttons,and love the vintage millinery. Looks like you all had a great time gathering goodies....
Allen & I are off to La Grange tomorrow afternoon, staying in our RV until Sunday =) Bright & early Thursday morning, my daughter and I will be at Marburger Farms. Then, off into the fields on Friday & Saturday =)
Charlene amor, I am soo lusting...no wait coveting...which sounds more pitiful lol that is what I am feeling in seeing all your gorgeous hats that you found! Lisa wasn't kidding when she said you all found some gorgeous ones...ohh I need to come to Texas :) In all my 2 years looking for them here, I have found 3 and two of these hats had only one gorgeous rose on them that I STILL cannot bring myself to take off lol I finally took one hat apart that I won on Ebay for a couple dollars and....my finger tips hurt for days lol dunno when I will get brave and try that again :) I am soo happy that you love my blog as much as I do...My husband laughs as me, because I keep opening my blog just to look at it :) lol he jokes that I should look at him soo lovingly...silly man...this is purttiful girl stuffs :) Karen is a love, so lovely and understanding to work with...she actually understood my ramblings...poor amor :) But bless her and her patience with her magic look at the gorgeousness that she created for me and others :) Right now, I can honestly tell you, I am happier than a munkeys butt :) and that is REALLY happy...my stars did I just scare you away from me maybe coming to roundtop with you n Lisa ;) Have a great week and you lucky girl, going to Georgia...imagine all the lovely hats and treasures you will find there :) Besos, Rose
ps...thank you for making Karen take a walk :) she wouldn't listen to me :)
Hi Charlene! Looks like you found some wonderful goodies. I can't wait for you to come to OKC. I would absolutely love love to go to lunch and do some serious shopping! Sounds like lots of fun to me. Just let me know.
Hey sister,
Imagine my horror to see my face on everyones sidebar today! UGG I knew I shoulda used the one with just you & Pat. You really DID get some yummy stuff. I DO love the blue flowers in that hat, wanna trade some? I think you now have the longest Rose comment in the history of blogging! LOL Talk to you soon. Lisa
Charlene, these are beautiful, the gloves and the hat!!!! I love the blue! What fun you must have had!!!
I am excited to see what you make!!!
Margaret B
Dearest Charlene,
These friends are fun I can tell and you are blessed to have them. I loved all your photos and the blues and combinations in them. You did so well on putting them together for photographing, there is an art to that and I think you have it girl.
oh, sounds like a fun day... and yes, I can see why you would hate to cut them. I posted a shopping trip, too, it must be the weather! Thank you soo much for all the great suggestions about my tiny house! Love the bunting idea! We are about an hour and a half from Ft.Worth. Have a great Easter! Lezlee
Thank You, if you decide to come this way, I agree it would be so much fun to meet up! Do you know Alicemom.blogspot.com She is from Benbrook, very cool, sweet blogger friend, that I've never met in person, lol. Love, Lezlee
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