JO PACKHAM... WOW! That's all I can say. I am not a hero worshiper, groupie, or into that sort of thing. But,
I HAVE LOVED JO since I got her very first book
Where Women Create. I spent HOURS engrossed in that book. And then the magazine (by the same name) came out. I haven't missed a one! Have you read them? Do you subscribe & can't wait for the next issue????? Well, I had been wanting to go to Petticoats & Parasols Art Event ever since
Joanna told me about it. But, I hemmed & hawed thinking it was too much money. (OH WAS I WRONG!) And then the final push was the announcement that JO would be our key note speaker.
SOLD!!!! I was going no matter what!

KEY NOTE FABULOUS SHE WAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have worked in the meeting planning (oh Jenn I feel for you & don't envy you the hard work that goes into planning a major event like this )for years & have seen many speakers
whisk in five minutes before they speak &
rush to their waiting car in less than ten minutes after they are done.
NOT JO!!!!!!!!
She spoke on opening night about her amazing career (over 30 years) in the publishing industry, her life, her loves, her joys & sorrows. She is an amazing & moving speaker. She now has come out with the second BOOK in the Where Women Create line, is very involved with all aspects of the magazine, has a grueling travel schedule, is planning her own major
EVENT this fall, & takes care of her elderly father. And she does it all with Grace, Witt, Knowledge, Humor, Style, & on & on....
But most of all she does it with a beautiful smile that comes from her HEART! If I had to choose a hero...
Jo I'm glad I chose you! If you ever have the chance to see JO in person
GO! Buy her books they are amazing & don't miss a magazine. Now come meet the other sides of Jo my friend.

Here we are on opening night. That is the travel jewelry box I gave her as a gift.

Here is Jo signing books for Sylvia & Cathy as precious Tiffany looks on. Yes, I got a signed copy of Jo's book for my collection.

Here is another side of Jo...
FUN!!!! This lady has a FUN streak a mile wide in her soul. That's her dress up for Vendor night where she again signed books.

The Ladies of the HOUR!!!!! Jo & our AMAZING HOSTESS JENN! This was the opening night dinner.
Jennifer Hayslip put this entire
MAGIC EVENT together & did it
FIRST CLASS ALL THE WAY! Hats off to you Jenn! And I can tell you that I will never hesitate to put my money down on anything this GAL does in the future. She is cute as a BARBIE DOLL, sweet, generous, talented, & a true southern BELLE!
THANK YOU Jenn for my first big Art Event experience.
The AMAZING FOUR!!!!!!!! Jo, Jenn, Tiffany (teacher & right hand for Jenn) & Christine (teacher & left hand for Jenn). Don't they look adorable for Opening Night?

My buddy
Christine in front of the Sweets Bar. I met Christine last year at the Shaker Doll Class I took from Diana Frey in California. She was amazing then but, I didn't have much time to spend with her. But, then I found her blog & we started communicating & found out we both LOVED & LOST our Shetland Sheepdogs. A bond was made for sure.

Christine, Jenn & Tiffany on Vendor Night. Aren't they
BEAUTIFUL in their finery? The choices for the outfits shows the artistic soul of each.
Each unique & special in her own way. BEAUTIFUL GIRLS!!!!! I think each of you has silently challenged me to up my game next time. To not be afraid to play with different looks for individuality. Take the challenge with me!

IT'S ALL IN THE SHOES! Yes, even in their choice of shoes... art,style, & individuality rules.
Hmmmmmmmmmmm I sure wish I could get the same look with my big boats...
hee hee (for those of you that don't know me personally I am 6 foot 1 inches & tall & not a size 6 shoe but, hey we gotta go with what GOD gave us right????)

Here's Jo & Jenn on the ART EVENT Day at Ford's Plantation. That's day THREE of the event & Jo (the key note speaker) is still with us.
Seeeeeeeeeeeeeee what I told you... no in & out for this LADY! She helped, visited, served cupcakes, laughed & spent every minute of the event with us. Truly a
Didn't I tell you Jenn was like a beautiful BARBIE DOLL? Here she is the day of the Art Event at Ford Plantation.
This was her beautiful feather hair decoration for the day.
Tiffany............ where do I begin?
AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!! SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!! Heart of GOLD!!!!!! I had never met Tiffany before.
She has the most gentle sweet spirit. She was everywhere doing everything. Teaching her amazing class(THANK YOU IT WAS WONDERFUL), visiting, helping, but most of all taking the most amazing photos. She is a professional photographer & does amazing work. Go visit her photography site to see. She took MANY of the photos at this event & has been so generous in sharing with all of us. Tiffany I hope to see you soon at another event & hope that we remain friends & I get that visit to Seattle to see you that we talked about. HUGS!
Oh sweet Christine! One in a million! CUTE AS A BUTTON! AND MEGA TALENTED TOO! 
Sketch pad in hand just sitting & drawing as Tiffany was teaching her class. Remember in another post I shared that Christine has a lot of experience in fashion design, set design & many other creative past experiences.

The finished piece in no time at all!!!!!!
This is the T Shirt that Jenn gave to Tiffany as one of her THANK YOUS The photo is the one that is the header/banner on Tiffany's blog. Adorable shirt Jenn & Tiffany I
LOVE that picture!! Again, it shows your creative, bubbling spirit.

Tiffany & Jo! Oh sweet friends I will miss you all & think of you often. Thank each one of you for sharing your talent, beauty & hearts.

My HERO with her arms thrown open to welcome her next adventure! Or maybe just so happy (as was I) to have been there.
I hope you have enjoyed my sharing this amazing event with you. I'm sorry it has taken me soooooooooo long to get it all done. I know some of you have seen some of the other girls memories on their blogs but, it has taken me awhile to get caught up with life & get all these memories posted. Now we will be on to other things but, I hope you felt like you got to go to Savannah with me to be a Belle at Petticoats & Parasols.
Thanks Jenn for your vision & seeing it into beautiful completion.