What do you do after you have spent 8 hours in a hospital recovery room or waiting room???? Come home, go directly to your Lazy Boy with a large glass of cold milk & a package of
OREO's!!!! DUNK & STUFF!!!!!!
Now that probably didn't help my hip/pant size any but, tomorrow's another day
Scarlett & we got good news! Although Hubby still has to have open heart surgery... he didn't have to have stints today or when they work on the valve they don't have to do by pass
surgery because his arteries are clear! HEY, a girl has to have positive things be thankful for. RIGHT? And another thing to be positive about...
ALL MY AMAZING SUPPORTIVE FRIENDS OUT THERE!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU 100 TIMES TEN!!!!!!!!! YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING. Thank you for the Prayers (never can have too many of those), the wonderful emails & comments, & most of all your blessing of friendship. All is well in our world today.

Well, everything but the OREO DAMAGE!