Happy Halloween!
After my trip to Morrow Bay, California (this summer) I had Halloween on the brain. I bought a cute witch (sorry I'll share her later) a few cute canvas's & a darling little pumpkin girl named EEK! Hubby & I love this garden shop named Garden Gallery right down on the waterfront.
The photo above is of a witch named Minerva. She was a cutie. Short, fat, wearing red & purple but, she didn't come home... My witch is named Clarice.
This cutie above is my little pumpkin (EEK) girls brother. Looking in a mirror... I thought that was a darling decorating idea! Shows front & back for sure.
The cute little buckets were so tempting... one came home & couple of those pumpkin bowls.
When we went back south to visit our friends (Vickie & Ray Orlando) we went to Rogers Garden which is an amazing treat. It is GARDEN STORE on steroids!!!! The doll above was found there. She is a cage doll & if you look closely her skirt is a cage holding a Halloween creature.
The designers used old computer parts, black lights, lab equipment & skeletons to create this display.
And you want to talk spooky??? The dolls below in the jars....
My friend Laurie Garcia has some of the pumpkins (like below) & I thought this was a clever way to display them. The eyes on these pumpkins look soooooooooooo real. They made shelves for their heads to sit on & then they used vintage clothes/shoes to make them look like a pumpkin family standing there.
Some of the designers found these huge ceramic/chalk busts & painted them like Day of The Dead. Every single one of them were sold.
It was a lot of fun & just fueled the Halloween fire. Sorry I'm so late in posting but, it's been crazy busy. We were in California most of the summer & then we came home for 3 weeks. Of course we just moved into our house May 24 so there are boxes galore & I can't find a thing. But, I knew the good fairies weren't going to be unpacking the house so... off we went to escape the heat. Once I came home for the 3 weeks there was so much stuff to catch up on with our business no unpacking took place either. At the end of September I took off to visit with my Art Sisters up in the Washington/Oregon (Terry Brush Art Camp for a long weekend). WHAT FUN WAS THAT!!!! So, I'll try to get my act together & start posting again on a regular basis. We'll catch you up on the summer adventures & Art Camp. But, for now I need to go get the candy ready for all the little spooks! Have a fun & safe Halloween!