Susan is having us all in to celebrate Outdoor Wednesday. Click on the button on the right sidebar to join Susan & the other girls when we are done here. I usually have a lot of pictures & lots of things to show but today my post is simple. This time I want to only share one picture because I think it says a thousand words. This struck me when I saw it! God managed to have this beautiful Viola bloom coming out of this piece of crystal that sits in my garden. I did not plant this. It was a miracle that enough soil filled this tiny crevasse & a seed from another plant blew in the wind & worked it's way into this small space. When I saw this I just had to share. I thought we all need to stop the rushing around. Stop & see this beautiful world we live in. Look for the beauty that is given to us. Before blogging I did not take the time to stop & look & appreciate the miracles we have all around us. Enjoy this Outdoor Wednesday & everyday.
Oh, by the way I have a beautiful group of photos on the last post I did. If you love Wisteria or the color purple go back & check those out. Since we are supposed to only post the link to Outdoor Wednesday & not our whole Blog I didn't want to cheat but... sneak a peek. Hugs