Can you believe that sweet little face? When I saw this sweetie that Lisa
http://pupylov.blogspot.com/has created I KNEW I HAD TO SHARE the love! Hop over before June 24 to be sure you are included in this Give Away. Be sure to tell her Charlene sent you!

And while I was over at Lisa's I saw that Sandi
http://waysidetreasures-sandi.blogspot.com/ was having a Give Away for all these bird goodies(Be sure & go enter today) ! I am soooooooooooo into bird stuff these days. Sad story to tell about bird goodies... I had found a sweet little egg that had fallen out of a birds nest in my front yard. I picked it up (knowing it would never hatch) & put it in a little dish up near my kitchen sink. I enjoyed just looking at it when I would stand there doing dishes. In the back of my mind I wondered if I should empty the egg but, just never did & really it posed no threat since I didn't mess with it. WELL... boys will be boys no matter how old they are! My 37 year old son was over with his family yesterday & he saw the egg. He picked it up to inspect it a little closer & accidentally dropped it in the sink. The word
stink does not even begin to describe the smell. So, beware of little gifts. :) 
Sharon at
http://shardonexclusives.blogspot.com/2009/05/one-year-old-100th-post-giveaway.html is celebrating a blog birthday as well as 100 Posts! Congratulations!!!! That is so exciting. She is another lovely soul that Dawn of
http://the-feathered-nest.blogspot.com/ encouraged to start a blog. Do you notice how many of us thank Dawn. She is such a supportive friend to soooooooooooooooooooooooo many of us. But, back to Sharon, we are glad Dawn got you on board & we wish you a happy blog BDay & look forward to 100 more posts.

Hi Charlene, I dropped by your blog to say hello and to thank you for signing up for the pincushion fairy I am giving away as part of my Silver Anniversary of bear artistry. I think you found the link at Lisa's blog. The giveaway for the bear is at mine at http://bearbits.blogspot.com/2009/05/celebration-continues.html Thanks and good luck in the drawing!
Charlene, Thank you, dear one, for posting about my giveaways. Your name is in three times & I hope you will win. There are alot of giveaways right now & that makes blogging so much fun! I have you on my blog roll also & look forward to many more posts..Thanks again,
Wow, there are a lot of give~aways going on! I will have to pop over to some of these blogs. It's a fun way to meet new friends!
Your egg story is something! I thought you were going to say that the egg eventually hatched!!
A lot of people don't realize that when they bring in something from outdoors, they are bringing in a lot of germs. Nests are the worse!
We have geese that like to sun themselves on our beach on the lake. As sorry as I am to do it, I have to chase them away because their "droppings" can cause a serious virus in humans. So step on your beach, walk in the house, put your feet on the furniture...oh, I hope I haven't grossed you out!!
Enjoy your week, Charlene!
Ah, boys. I had girls. They don't seem to drop things as often, I hear. Or cause things to stink. Nor want to cause something to stink!
Thank you for letting us know about these wonderful Giveaways!! They are always so much fun:) Love, Jamie
Charlene......as VISUAL as I am, I actually gagged when I smelled that egg you described.....oh my...that was not good......enjoyed your visit and meeting your friend....see you soon. jana
I see Ginger already left you a note about the bear giveaway! Sorry I guess I should change the title on my sidebar so that it won't look like it's mine! THANKS for sending people to me and when they click on it they will get to Ginger's site so it will all work out!!
THANKS again!!
Hugs, Lisa
Thanks for letting us know about the Giveaways!
I had to laugh about the egg!
Hi Chralene,
Thanks for posting my giveaway on your blog. I hope to get back to yours soon to look around. I have a LOT of blogs to visit!!! Last I knew my comments for the giveaway were up to 191~ A little overwhelmed! LOL
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