Yesterday I took my mother & a friend to see the movie Amelia. There are a lot of movies a girl CAN NOT take her 80 year old mother to these days! But, this was a good one. Hillary Swank did a great job portraying Amelia Earhart. I remembered things about her from history class but, this is a great Chick Flick for sure. If you have a chance take a favorite Chick & go see this movie. Have a great weekend & Happy Halloween. Gonna play with all 5 of the Grands tonight. "Honey" wanted the 4 oldest to spend the night after Trick or Treating... I said "Are you outta your mind????? Jacked up on all that candy & all that excitement.... do you see STUPID written on my forehead"? Heck NO! Enjoy!
I was thinking about seeing this movie too...I guess I will now. 4 grand kids on Halloween night....you've got a one brave honey there...lol Have a wonderful Halloween...and a peaceful one too.
I cannot wait to see that movie ~ I don't like to sit through most movies because I get bored really easy ~ but I bet I would love this one !
TOO FUNNY about the grandchildren. I had my 3 last night (all boys) and for some reason I gave them all cupcakes with lots of frosting and sprinkles after dinner and right before bedtime. Bedtime then became insane. So, I guess STUPID is written across my forehead.
Boy am I tired today!
I'd like to see that movie!
Have a safe and fun night!
Monicax and Kim x.
Really now Charlene, I can't understand why a little candy could hurt.LOL
Your MAN is something else, but a keeper anyway.
Have a great Halloween night tonight!!
Hugs, Pat
SO excited to hear that "Amelia" is that good--I've been waiting for it! I'll hop over to the theater this week & enjoy! Have a wonderful time with the grandbabies--jacked up on sugar or not, that 's where the memories come from, right?!
You are right about the movie thing. Maybe I'll check it out! I hear congratulations are in order for a fellow Texan, you lucky girl!
Hey Charlene, Happy Halloween. I'm loving your decorations - you home looks beautiful. I'm looking forward to seeing that movie. I've always been a fan of Amelia Earhart. And anything Hillary Swank is in is always good.
So funny about the kids spending the night, I laughed out loud at that one. Jacked up and candy was the first thing I thought too. You suppose that's part of Gods plan, you have children when your young because you have more energy to put up with that stuff or either your just to dumb to know better?
Have a sweet Sunday...Tracy
P.S. If you haven't stopped by checkout my giveaway. It's nothing like $50.00 but I'd love you to enter all the same.
Charlene, I came over from Theresa's gardenantiquesvintage and am delighted I found you, sugar! What a sweet and delightful blog you have, chick. Nice to meet you. I'm always finding new bloggers to chat with.
Thanks for the review, I'll have to see minus K! I love Hillary in just about anything. And Richard Gere, man I LUSTED after him in the 80's after seeing American Gigolo.
You made a wise move passing on the overnight. It took 3 hours, numerous threats and Mylanta to get mine down. Lisa
You crazy lucky girl!! I just read that you won the Garden Antqs Vintage giveaway!! Go girl! Lisa
Thanks for the review on this movie, sounds good. Well....congratulations on winning Theresa's giveaway..you lucky gal! Love your blog name, I assume you love johnny jump-ups? Have a great Sunday and be sure to let us know how you spend your loot!
Ha good try! Glad you didn't fall for that one!
My real name is Amelia so I've always been curious about the other Amelia. I will have to check out that movie.
Love chick movies!
Good to know about the movie! I hope you survived the Halloween Thing!
HUgs, Lisa
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