Joy Indeed!!!!!!! Tuesday Night I was so blessed to be invited to my gal pal Lisa’s house. I know many of you know her from her AMAZING blog Tarnished & Tattered & her art shown in many magazines. I remember when I first talked her into starting that blog!!!! My how time flies… Anyway it was a fun night of seeing the beauty of her home (she had The Dallas Morning News to come out with a professional photographer & they did a great story on her & her home click HERE to see it).

Little vignettes set up all over her house. And they were darling.

MAGIC I’m telling you!!!! Silly me forgot my camera so I had to borrow photos from Lisa (with her permission). Don’t you love the silver trays over that entryway? I DO!
Her display case had MANY display’s & I thought that the one above was joyful (as the card reads). Lisa loves nature & often you will find little tidbits like that hornets nest or a bird nest, pod, or some such thing in her art.

Her bedroom was romantic & stunning! Soothing whites & creams.
She has an eye & can find the most amazing antiques ( & always at great prices). Look at that writing desk!!!!! Photo of her Momma, that dreamy old skirt & top, a beautiful fabric journal she created…

These two photos are of her little porch leading into her backyard!!! Yes going to the backyard (& right off her bedroom). Her beautiful pillows on the wicker sofa.

Lisa is an amazingly talented soul & if you don’t know her PLEASE GO VISIT & FALL IN LOVE! Be sure to tell her Charlene sent you. I forgot to tell you that she is also Momma to 6 year old triplets but, that doesn’t stop her from doing such sweet things like…

Making the best homemade & beautiful cookies for the party. And on that pretty tray below is the paper clay ornament she made for each of us. Tied with a little bit of vintage lace & a bleached bottle brush tree! SOOOOOOOOOOO SWEET! 
I knew some of the girls at the party like my buddy Jan (below). She & I shared a hotel room when we took that KC Willis class a couple of weeks ago (a post about that is a bit further down) & we had so much fun. I don’t know what was up with my hair that night I think it had a mind of it’s own!!!!

And I met some really fun new friends as well as getting to see my Art Buddies Cami whom I haven’t seen in ages & Lori as well as Cindy too!!!!

We were all supposed to work on an Art project & many of drug in totes full of stuff to do. I think I’m the only one who created something but, how do you say no to a hostess as sweet as Lisa???? She had asked if I would help her make a necklace from an old coin purse (she had been dying to do so she said). Lisa, Jan, Cindy, Lori & I all sat in her studio laughing & talking until I got it pulled together. I think she was thrilled & Cindy wanted to know why I wasn’t teaching for her at Paper Cowgirls. And after a lot of arm twisting (the other girls said they were all interested) & thinking about it afterward I think I might just do that.

Again, THANK YOU LISA for a wonderful time. And to all the girls I met… I can’t wait to get to know you better. To those I know… let’s not wait so long to get together. Now I want to share some mail love.
When a package is this pretty on the outside (minus the big blue Priority Mail label) YOU KNOW it’s gonna be good inside (sorry I covered our addresses up with other cards to protect the innocent or……….. maybe not so innocent).
My precious friend Charlotte Perez is uber talented & generous to boot. I had seen her beautiful business card holders & coveted them. I asked her to make me a couple of them & they arrived in the mail last week. I ADORE THEM! They are made from old books aren’t they beautiful????
Do you just LOVE the colors? I DO!!!!
I guess I better get busy with finishing up this Christmas list! I hope each & every one of you have a wonderful time with friends & family as we all gather to remember the reason for this season! I love all of you my precious friends.
HUGS! Charlene