In the previous post I shared the visit to
Dos Pueblos Ranch… home of Event Designer Queen…
Trisha Fontaine. If you missed the previous post PLEASE go back & read about this Fairy Land World. But, let’s move on as you can see (above) Trisha is welcoming us to her home & garden.
Where cleverly built birdhouses are tucked into the garden &
vintage windows hang from trees (she does this for many of the wedding held on the property).
Step onto the sun porch & you are surrounded by vintage goodness!
Clever Vignettes everywhere.
Oh how I would love to have this many keys…
Her tiny living room was filled with all sorts of eye candy.

A china hutch of chippy peely paint full of Chinese China & dolls. Color & TEXTURE abounds!
And little treasures left from weddings past…
Like this hat from the steam punk wedding that Trisha did. Here’s a little peak at what she creates with some of these props.

Remember the railroad bridge from the last post?????

The steam punk wedding was a favorite of mine & click
HERE to go to Trisha’s post to see more of this wedding. Now… we’re going back to the tour of her home…
The guest room with lavender walls & a closet full of costumes. Trisha is beginning the fashion show above…
My Favorite.. laid across the bed. Oh to be a Fairy BRIDE in this!
I HAD TO HAVE ONE OF HER CREATIONS & this is what I brought home. Was this easy to travel with in the back of the van for the next 3 weeks??? NO!!! But, hubby was a good sport & none of the butterflies are any worse for wear. Wear???? I’m sure you will see it on one of my mannequins.
Now on to the kitchen. Where the view is of the green green goodness outside (the vintage scale set on the sill & all the pretty bottles)…

The little nook where she can sit at that pretty table surrounded by cupboards full of vintage china. Bird cages hanging from the ceiling, fairy wings on the wall & look at that sweet nest on the silver tray just sitting on the buffet.
Trisha says she has enough vintage china to serve a party of 250!!! Imagine… here’s another look at one of the photos she shows some of this goodness in (on her blog… again go visit her today & be amazed). A wedding table set with her tea pots

Or…. a Tea Party with friends in this post…

But, one of my favorite things… is her chalk board in the kitchen… Everyone has a grocery list right? But, is it this cute???? Now remember, we surprised her with the visit & so she didn’t really prepare for us to come. THIS IS HOW SHE LIVES!!!! Too flippin cute! Talent in every pore of her body.
Are you tired of all this yet? Well, lets turn the corner to the little hall leading to her bedroom & look at the wonder living there & then
I’ll leave you hanging…. waiting for her bedroom/bath which I can tell you was so full of goodness you would just drool.
This is a mannequin (yes, those of you who know me well know I have an OBSESSION with them!) that hangs out on a tiny porch that connects the kitchen with Trisha’s bedroom. Trisha makes these wings, crowns & shoes to compliment her costumes. I LOVE the crown! And let’s look at the post (go
HERE) to see Trisha’s take on these shoes…
Are you in LOVE with Trisha & her work??? I am. Come back for a tour of her bedroom… coming soon here … but, for now, I’m back to work on the 2 PLUS week long HUGE bathroom/closet remodel going on here at my house. I’d rather be back on vacation & let the elves work on this MESS!!!!
HUGS! Charlene