I hope that each of you had a SAFE & Happy New Year’s Eve. We had friends in for dinner & learned to play a new card game called Pinochle. I remember as a child my beloved Grandmother had her Pinochle club once a month & it was a BIG DEAL! Dinner was served & the playing began. Ginger & Jerry taught us how to play & said we caught on quickly. It is a very detailed game with strategies to learn, meld to count, & learning to bid. We look forward to practicing & becoming good players. How did you RING IN THE NEW YEAR?
I know winter has gotten a hard grip on much of the United States & Europe. I hope that you are each warm & safe. Many are probably trying to hibernate & stay warm. Or maybe you are like me & are lying around thinking about what you want to do in 2011…
Last year my word for the year was KNOWLEDGE & I did sooooooooooooooo many fun things that involved learning. I went to many art events & classes. Starting in January I went to south Texas to attend the class called Resolutions of the Heart (go HERE & HERE to see)by my precious friend Diane Cook. Below is a photo of US & the necklace I created in that class.
Next it was February where I attended my first Gilded Life Event in Dallas, TX with Shea & Debbie. Here I met my amazing friends Sandy & Charlotte. I was blessed to attend 3 Gilded Life Events this past year. If you are interested in seeing the posts from these go to my sidebar & click on LABELS – A Gilded Life & you will go to all of the events to view what an amazingly wonderful time we have with these MAGICAL GALS!
March was Adorn Me in Houston, TX. (again you can go to LABELS to find the posts for this for more info) I was so excited to meet back up with many of my FRIENDS & MENTORS! Here’s OUR GROUP…
Left to right: Melissa Manley(an instructor at the event & my roommate), Deryn Mentock, Diane Cook, Diana Frey & Riki Shumacher. I have remained in touch with all these gals throughout the year & feel so BLESSED to call them friends. I am looking forward to sooooooooooooo much more fun with you all in 2011. My classes for this event were: #1 Crystal Princess with Diane Cook.
Left her class sample, next Diane teaching & last my necklace created in class. I also started a second one that remains unfinished…. Hmmmm maybe that should be on 2011 list. #2 Deryn’s Class. Love her & the sample piece. My piece from this class is again… unfinished but, will be finished I PROMISE!
And the last class was with Diana Frey. Here is Diana teaching & my finished necklace.
April was Gilded Life again & a class with Kaari Meng of The French General. 
And my piece made in Shea’s class now attached to the necklace I made in Diana’s class at Adorn Me.
Later in April was Petticoats & Parasols which was hosted by Jenn Hayslip in Savannah, GA. This was my first LARGE Art Event & I LOVED IT! The keynote speaker was none other than Jo Packham of Where Women Create Magazine. Go to LABELS & see all the fun we had there.
May brought another class in south Texas with Diane Cook & this is my bracelet which was my finished piece from “Etched & Layered”.
June brought Paper Cowgirls again in Texas & I got to hang with sooooooooo many of my Texas ART friends(too many to name but, oh girls what a blast to hang with those that I knew & hook up with some I had only met blogging & NOW it is so amazing to know you in person).
A class with Mendy Mitriani on Photoshop Elements.
A class with Laverne Johnson… Again, look at the Lables & go to the posts for more.
July… Be still my heart it is time to go to California for Les Sirenes which was my first event hosted by the infamous Kim Caldwell.
The teachers(go to Labels/posts to get links to each), Kim & Keynote speaker Jenny Doh.
And my amazing tablemates… TABLE TWO ROCKS!
Then there was a big break in the Art Event/Classes for a few months when Hubby had open heart surgery & I am so very THANKFUL that all went well there & he is on the mend & BACK AT WORK!!!!!!!!!
September (above) brought a class taught by my amazing friend Lisa & sweet Charlotte (that I mentioned from February Gilded Life)attended that too. What a great time we had in our little group. The photo on the right is my finished project from that class.
October brought my precious Sandy to Texas for a weeks visit as well as the last event of the year for Gilded Life.
And we got to meet sweet Cindy.
And make these royal treasures.
Then there was the controversial “Bottle Class” which I haven’t shared yet (but, will show you soon). & last but not least… a class in San Antonio with Diane Cook where the internationally known teacher Mary Hetts taught us metal working. You will see Mary & I below as well my finished piece (Two Peas) from the class.
I shared so many of them with you in this years posts & I wanted to thank you for going along on this journey with me. I am thinking about what I want my word of the year to be this year. I am thinking it should be EXPLORE! What do you think? Do you have a word for the year or a resolution? Share it with me if you do. Take a little time & choose one (or more than one if you want). Now I’m off to grill steaks with my son’s family & top dinner off with a chocolate cake I made earlier today. I think the diet has to wait another day!!!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR MY PRECIOUS FRIENDS!
HUGS! Charlene