My sweet friend Shannon at
http://faithandchocolate.blogspot.com/ sent me the Marie Antoinette Award. It is an award of inspiration. I was sooooooooo surprised! I am so new to this world of blogging & so thankful to have just made so many wonderful friends I was shocked to receive this. Shannon was one of the main people that encouraged me to try blogging. So, when she sent this to me it made it special.
In thinking of who I wanted to pass this award too I had to choose Vicki
http://vickichrisman.blogspot.com/ whom I met at the Crafty Secret Booth at the Scrapbook Convention in Arlington, TX. She encouraged me to start the blog & has remained faithful in checking back in with me from time to time. She shares so much art with us on her wonderful site.
#2 Has to be Dawn
http://the-feathered-nest.blogspot.com/ who has inspired me with her constant sharing of love, talent, images, & kind words... not to mention helping me with the Banner (yes, I know I need a Christmas one)& background on my Blog. Her tutorials are Divine! Gift yourself with one. Thank you for everything my supportive friend.
#3 LuLu
http://coastalsistersnews.blogspot.com/ who was the first person to send me at Pay it Forward with the gift of beautiful earrings. Since then, her inspiration has been given in her wonderful often FUNNY Blog & her beautiful work. She too is such a sharing, caring person. She stops by often for a visit & we have gotten to the place we really enjoy visiting with each other. Give The Commander a hug & tell him to keep the goodies coming to sustain you in this busy season.
#4 Tiffany
http://wwwbeyondthevintagepath.blogspot.com/ My local (aren't we lucky) Blog Friend that has such talent & beauty. Just pop over & enjoy her site & be inspired! I can't wait to see you this weekend at The Sale sweet friend.
#5 Madai
http://forgetmenotsfromwrencottage.blogspot.com/ I have been inspired & loved her beautiful world from my first glimpse. And then disaster struck & she has emerged as wonderful as before. When my Blog grows up... I want it to be as beautiful. Thank you Madai.
#6 Selia
http://downtherabbithole.typepad.com/my_weblog/ Who is a new friend. Her blog reminds a bit of Madai's & I have enjoyed it a lot. She shared a couple of lovely photo's with me & has had a bit of a bug. Hope you are on the mend my friend.
#7 Last but not least is Diana
http://dianafrey.blogspot.com/ One look at her jewelry & I was smitten. I want to have my jewelry be of this level of talent. I am in the planning stages of taking her March class in California. Hope it all works out... It should tell you a lot of the inspiration if I will travel from Texas to California to take a class!
Thank you ladies for all the inspiration & JOY you bring to me. Hope you are honored by being chosen for this award. And thank you Shannon for your faith in me.
Here is what you do now post the guidelines...
1. Please put the logo on your blog
2. Link to the person from whom you received the award
3. Nominate at least 7 or more blogs
4. Put the links of those blogs on your blog
5. Leave a message on their blogs to tell them.
And now, I hand this award over to: