We visited back & forth & laughed about finding a fellow Texan here in Blogland. A few days later Candy sent me a message & said "you need to meet this other gal I have gotten to know, I think she lives near you". Well, I visited Pat http://mytatteredelegance.blogspot.com/ & found out that we do indeed live close by. Yesterday we met & had lunch. We went to eat Mexican Food & when we walked inside we couldn't help but love all the colorful bottles they had displayed on this HUGE window. I wanted to share the colors & thought it might give one of you an IDEA! Imagine that!
The owner of this Mall had done a lot of little store fronts to dress up the shops showcased in his mall. This is one that I thought was really clever. Don't you love the fake windows up above the shop? Simply old windows set in the wall to look like a second story.

Inside this fun green building the dealer had some BRIGHT PINK furniture. A bed, armour, dressing table you know the typical. The pink was a little tooooooo Bright/Pepto for me (& I like pink) but, they were show stopping. She had also made a puppet theater that was so clever. It is a little difficult to see with the sign on it & all the other stuff but look closely & maybe you can see some of the details.
It was made using vintage doors. The glass is out of the front one (& that tacky tray is hanging in the middle) the sides are two solid doors with hinges so that they can move & be positioned. Then there were corbels (turned upside down)used for flair & drama as well as posts or table legs underneath the corbels. A wonderful old finial on top finishes it off. I don't think I would use this as a puppet theater but can't you see it a shop as a dressing room (stained glass window installed).