Welcome to Outdoor Wednesday & to my home. Last week if you were here for Outdoor Wednesday you know that "Honey" & I went to Farmers Market to look for
pumpkins. For those of you who know the story of "
The Door" you know "Honey" has a competition going with the neighbor next door. Well, every year she buys a few
pumpkins at
Walmart & puts them under her trees. No putting a cute vignette together, no groupings, nothing but a few small pumpkins scattered under pretty good sized trees. "Honey" looks for the coolest
pumpkins he can find & does all sorts of things with them. Well, this year was the
BIGGEST PUMPKIN he could find. The guys that loaded it guessed it to be about 160 pounds.

As he was proudly driving home with his purchase he got this funny look on his face & he said "
hmmm I wonder how I'm gonna get that bad boy out of the back of the van without those 2 little guys at the Market"? Well, our son came over to help but, let me tell you that was an ordeal. What he hasn't thought of... is when that pumpkin has seen it's better days it will have to be taken out of the flowerbeds & put SOMEWHERE! I don't know where that somewhere is but, I'm glad it won't be my problem & NOPE I'm not busting his bubble yet. Another day for that!

IT sits in all
IT'S glory with a few other
pumpkin cousins & a little witch. Notice sweet Ms Reba in the background.

Loved the color of this orange & white long
pumpkin. Also has just a touch of
green running around the back of it.

And this beauty is called a
Cinderella Pumpkin. Often they are all green but, this one is a mix. This little darling is sitting next to my Bat Faced Plant. Yes, you heard me right Bat Face.
When you pull the flower up to look at it... a little face with ears. And I LOVE the color don't you?

And here's Ms Reba. She rules this roost for sure! She is
twelve & a half years old & starting to slow down just a bit. But, she has been a joy in our life for sure. She is a Shetland Sheep Dog (known as a
Sheltie & yes, they come from the same place as the Shetland Ponies). She loves to sit here in the bend of the sidewalk to the door & watch the world go by her kingdom.

A little
And last but, not least are a few flowers we thought were very pretty.

Hope you enjoyed the Outdoor tour & be sure & go visit Susan & the other girls playing (just click)
Outdoor Wednesday!